Good Friday afternoon all!!! Before I share my latest project with you, I have to thank you all so much for your prayers and continued support! Whilst I was away, nursing an ailing back. You have all been so kind, and it has done my heart and soul good to see how wonderful you all are. So thank you, again!
Okay, now on with the task at hand! And, I'll just be honest with you (as if I could try to be anything else) I hate (okay hate is too strong of a word, greatly dislike with a passion) orange!! Always have. Yellow is a great second runner up for this dislike of mine. But, I do, However LOVE Fall, in all of its glorious radiance!! Normally this is not a big problem, but when starting to make a fall wreath to share with you all, I found it a little perplexing, but the best thing about sharing your work, is that you can share whatever your heart LOVE’s, and hope that there maybe people out there that feel the same!!! So here I go, again.