Good Morning!!
This morning I am joining my friend, Heather @ Stringtown Home in honor of Mother’s Day!! Most of you know that this is not my usual “thing” But, I love to support fellow Bloggers, especially one as good and kind as Heather, and well, you see I HAVE the world’s absolute Best Mom!! Sorry, I know some of you, reading this, may think you do…but, you’d be wrong…Hehe..My Mom cannot be surpassed!!

I must include this little disclaimer before I continue, I was never Blessed with children of my own, but, and this is a big But, I was superbly Blessed with Nieces and Nephews!! You got it!! I am that hands on, wouldn’t change it a thing for my life, Auntie! My siblings have Blessed me with 8 offspring, 2 Incredible Boy (now wonderful, men) and 6 Beautiful and Intelligent Girls (now also women, well 3 of the girls are on the cusp of womanhood!!) But, it didn’t end their! They have families now, too!! And the Blessing kept coming; on the way of 8 beautiful grand-nieces and nephews!! I am not even counting the step-nieces/nephews! (Who by all rights should be counted, too!) And, if I am a good, Auntie, than My Mother is definitively the worlds Best Nanny to all!! Blood or not!
Okay, so onto, Heather’s questions: This should be fun!! (In case you haven’t caught on, quite yet, I will be replacing most of the “Mama’s” with “Auntie’s”
Mother's Day Questionnaire:
1) What is your favorite "Mama Sayin'"?
2) What is one thing that your family expects from you - they couldn't do without you?
3) When do you have "me" time, and what do you do?
4) What piece of your wardrobe do you think screams, "I'm a mama!"?
5) Name one funny experience that you've had since you've been a mama.
6) Do you have a weird habit that you've developed as a mama?
7) Have you had a moment when you wonder, "How did I get to become a mama?" (You know... like locking your child in the car with the keys inside?) What happened?
8) What is your favorite thing about being a mom?
1) So I kinda misread this one at first and thought is was like a "You Mama" joke. LOL, after some sweat and thought, I realized that wasn't what Heather would have written but just for fun I came up with a fun "My Mama" quote for me, would absolutely have to be: My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Honestly, the thing about this question is that it is probably the truth, that, in part, I have become my Mother.(She is wonderful and I am not saying this in a negative way at all, I am Blessed to have her) The funniest is things are to hear myself say things like “not in this house, we don't" or "take some time to think about what you just did/said?" whichever applies. It is odd and instinctive that if I do not call my Mum, she calls me, or when I do call her she says “I was just thinking I hadn't talked to you yet today" (I love you Mom!!)
2) What is one thing that your family expects from you - they couldn't do without you?
This one is kind of clever and hard to answer!! I would hope that my family would say that they can always count on me, no matter what….However, I bet, they would recall our younger days, and tell you that I was “the professor” because I always new the answer to everything (which should be a good thing, but when you’re the youngest of 5, it was, somehow a blow to me. I know that they would say I am the one that they would use as a phone a friend” if they ever played “Who Wants to be a Millionaire.” Yeah, family is special”!! These days, I’m definitely considered more the baker, cook, decorator, “go to” one.
3) When do you have "me" time, and what do you do?
Oh, Heather, you are funny, “Me Time” what’s that? Seriously, I LOVE “Me” time!! Who doesn’t? I have ‘me’ time in the early morning and late afternoon, usually. I love to put on Beautiful music or “the Oldies but Goodies” and either be tending to my roses, baking something Yummy on a cold morning, just ‘cuz I want to, not because it’s necessary, or sitting on my front porch having a good “friend” visit over coffee or tea) and yes, I have a linen tablecloth on my front porch table, so we sit in style), while we watch the world rush by and be thankful for where we are. (Blessed)
4) What piece of your wardrobe do you think screams, "I'm a Auntie!"?
I believe, after some consultation, that my nieces and nephews would tell you that it is my “granny-style” nightgowns that scream I’m an Auntie!! I don’t know what to say, I love a good nightgown!! I never could get used to PJ’s. Or, that I actually have and love “house dresses” you know the ones.. You can’t beat the comfort!! And, if absolutely necessary you can run somewhere quickly, if you have to, and “technically” still be considered dressed (That’s must be the vintage lover in me…Ha!!)
5) Name one funny experience that you've had since you've been an Auntie.
I have had many wonderful and hilarious experiences since becoming an Auntie, however, most of the kids won’t let me put the answers I’d like to up here for that one…so,… have to keep thinking on that one. LOL..
6) Do you have a weird habit that you've developed as an Auntie?
Weird habits since becoming their Auntie, you mean besides worrying? I guess it’s one that we all do…ie: opening my mouth for them to take a bite, wanting them to put on more clothes because I am, physically cold, just looking at them. Catching myself smiling when they here or do something that only I know makes them happy and/or proud, even if they aren’t smiling at that moment. Hurting for them, when something dashes their dreams and secretly thinking of ways to make their dreams come true, anyway. This one could go on and on…
7) Have you had a moment when you wonder, "How did I get to become an Auntie?" (You know... like locking your child in the car with the keys inside?) What happened?
See answer 6, 5 and 4!!
8) What is your favorite thing about being an Auntie?
My favorite thing about being their Auntie, has to be all the Love that you give and get that you never knew was possible. The degrees of joy you didn’t know. The utter and complete pleasure you can get from a simple expression, smile or look… Seeing them succeed at their dreams. Watching them find happiness and becoming wonderful, loving parents themselves. The immense pride I feel for each of their achievements, even though it’s theirs and not mine. Absolute knowledge of How completely Blessed I have been to have them in my life. There is no greater joy!