18 June 2013

Paper Flower Tutorial and a Summer Wreath for > $3

Hey everyone so glad to be back writing and having something worthy of sharing with you all. Thank you all so much for your patience with me~ On to the new project ...It all started with this little flower! I was playing with some tissue paper making some flowers and made this one and posted on my personal Facebook page. I had just finished making 12 Large multi-color ones for a Fiesta-themed event. 

This Blog is a result of that. My family and friends loved it! And so, I began to make them into bookmarks for them with their Birthday Cards. Fun!  I know many people make paper flowers, from a coffee filter, tissue paper, and very intricate designs, that still amaze me. These are very simple and easy to make! Just how I like it!! Minimum effort, Maximum output! Always a good thing, right?!  So at the request of many friends, family members, and readers, I am attempting this simple tutorial. I hope you like it!

(By the way, I apologize for the lack of a manicure here! Ughh)

So here we go! Are you ready?! First of all, yes, you use normal tissue paper! The Dollar store has 25 sheets in either Pastels or Bright colors for, let's say it together, $1!!  1st step measure your stacked tissue paper anywhere from 5-8 inches. You can see the blue one here and it was cut at 6". This is a good size to start with! After you've done a few, you can go smaller or larger, to whatever your taste. Although I must tell you, I have made a lot of these, I think less than 5" and 4 sheets of tissue, is much harder to do. Not that it can't be, but more difficult to not tear your tissue paper, as you separate the layers. I have 6 layers here, which was really 3 sheets that I folded at the 6-inch mark and cut to make 6.

I think almost all of us have made a paper fan at some point in their life an even made flowers when we were younger!! Well, that's all you are going to do here! stack your layers of pre-cut tissue and begin to fan it to the end. Don't be discouraged if your fan pleats are not exactly the same, it will still turn out beautiful anyway! I usually try to fold 1/2 to 3/4inch inch folds.

When you are done pleating your stack of tissue it should resemble something like this ---->>>

Now you are ready to create your flowers shape!!

Next step is cutting your petals (or edges) so when you start opening your flower, it will have a point, some people round them, I did for a traditional Fiesta flower, but my personal preference is a point. The flowers above were all done this way. That doesn't mean you can't play with the edges and see what you like best.

This next step is important and one you need to proceed with carefully. With the points at the bottom, you are going to hold your fan together and clip our a small notch(or a "V""), approx. 1/3 inch in the center (This makes your flower look more realistic and hides where you bound it with your pipe cleaner.....Which is what you do next!

Wrap the top inch and a half  of the pipe cleaner ( I know there must be a better craftier name for them, but that's what I remember them as) at the notch you have created and twist to secure. Don't worry about how much of your wire is left right now you can cut it, fold it or use it as a stem later. However, at this point, you need it to maneuver around as you create your flower.
By the way, you can also pick up a pack of 50 of these @ Dollar stores in varying colors, for, you guessed it, $1!

Now you are ready to start, carefully,  begin separating your top layer from the rest. Gently pulling it up and inward, you continue this process until you reach your last sheet. Don't worry if you don't Love it yet, you can play with the appearance after you finish putting it all together.

Be careful during this process, if you tug too hard you will tear your tissue. But, don't be scared if you get one or 2 small tears, you won't even notice it after your flower is completely opened.

Now you just turn your flower over and smooth out your bottom layer of tissue and then you can gently use your fingertip to adjust your flower anyway that's most pleasing to you!!  That's IT!!!
I quite like this one!

Now you can make one or as many as you like! You can add them to your project for a little touch of pretty if you like!!  As I told you earlier, I often use them with a Birthday card for a little fun bookmark, for your friend or families favorite "girl" book, or the can easily be wrapped around a pen for yours or their desk!


 I had done so many and also really wanting to make a Springing into Summer Wreath, so I put several different sizes and summer colors together on this wreath, that I have to tell you, was also $1!!  You have to Love that!  This fun tutorial and my New wreath cost me a total of $3 and I'm enjoying it daily!!  I hope you like it!

Here's a little closer look. I did 3 different sizes here with varying sheets of tissue paper. I hope you'll try making some !! Create something fun with them for yourself or a loved one or just enjoy what you created!!! 
Have a Blessed week and Thank you again for popping by!!

 I am sharing this post with these lovely Ladies: 

 Marcie @ I Gotta Try That!
Christine @ The DIY Dreamer