31 December 2015

So, About December and My New Place!

Merry Christmas!!  Happy New Year!!  And, Thank you all so much!
Yes, all of that, all at once!  I'm so sorry to have been away for so long. But, I finally, have some wonderful news to share with you! I hope when you hear it, you will understand and forgive my absence.
For those of you who have hung in there with me over the last few months and some. I am happy to say, years, you probably remember my requests for your prayers, as my wonderful little "house above the roses" was to be sold and I was
quickly thrown into a tailspin of where my new place to call home was. I gave you a brief update about it back in late July, here. By the end of August, the house had sold and I was, for the first time in my life, without a home of my own.

Thank you for your prayers! God has taken me on quite an adventure over the past few months, including sleeping in my parent's recliner for many nights as I searched for a new place to call home. It seemed as if there was to be no end to my search, and I feared I was most likely going to have to move away from my hometown, my parents, my friends, church and family.  It was a very uncomfortable adventure for me.  I kept hearing in the back of my head, "God never said it was going to be easy, just that He would be with me". Well, that is everything, though, isn't it?! To know God was with me saw me through a couple very dismal months. It was NOT comfortable, but I was provided for and HE was with me. Truth be told, I was abundantly Blessed, beyond measure, to have parents who said, without hesitation, well you better come home 'til we find something.  THAT right there is just one of the differences between me and being a homeless woman. I have Family.  I have a family that loves and cares for me. A family that puts my well-being before their own comfort.  Parents that put my education as one of their highest priorities. So, I,  also have skills, that perhaps others do not possess when facing the same circumstances. My discharge planning background from being a nurse, for example, provided me with knowledge of resources that most people are not aware of.  I have Faith.  I was brought up knowing God, never questioning His existence.  I have an incredible support system of friends and a church Family that prays for loves on and supports me through every circumstance.  EVERYTHING had all come together for my benefit. How great is our God?! His wisdom has no end.  I'm still learning, every moment, to trust that He has this.  I am so grateful for the knowledge that He is in charge. 

Your prayers! I don't know how I would have made it through this difficult time without all of your wonderful love, comments, prayers, and support! There are not enough words to Thank You for being here. 

Onto the Good News! I have found, and am writing to you, from my new place to call Home!
Persistence.......strike that, God, paid off. I'd like to take credit, but it was Him.
Now....because of the Grace of God, go I. 
I received the new keys to this wonderful little house on December 14th, I turned 50 December 15th in my own home. :) 
I will have so much more to share with you in the coming days, weeks and months from my new home. But, tonight, New Year's Eve, I am going to just leave you with well wishes for the new year, completely overwhelmed and humbled by His Love, with many thanks for your support and prayers, and the gratitude I am feeling to be writing this new chapter of life to share with you.
A great many Blessings to you all,

Where I party:


  1. I am so happy to get this update Theresa♡♡♡ I will keep in touch...now Breath easy again friend.

    1. Jonell, you have no idea how happy I was to be able to share this update with you, my friend. I have boxes everywhere I'll be breathing easier when they are put away! Lol

  2. What a good God!!! I am so happy for you. Faith and Grace can move mountains!
    Wishing you continued blessings in the new year!

    1. Happy new year, Patti! Yes he is a great God! I am beyond blessed. 😊

  3. Congratulations on your new home Theresa. Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home and Happy New Year!

  4. Hi Theresa, I'm playing catch up with my favorites bloggers today after taking a holiday blogging break since just before Christmas.I was so happy to read your great news! How exciting. I'm sure you'll have your new place looking beautiful with your elegant touches. Can't wait to see what you do. Your steadfast faith is inspiring! Happy New Year!

  5. Anonymous3:56 AM

    With all that you have been through I am so thrilled to see that you have found yourself a lovely new place to call home. It looks like the perfect place for you and I can't wait to hear more and see pictures of the inside and the property! What a blessing- prayers really do work!

    Van Lucas @ JPC Custom Homes


I love, love your comments and I do read every single one. They totally make my day. If you have a specific question, make sure I can answer you back by adding your email to your google/blog account! Thanks so much for the visit.