31 December 2015

What to do Weekends #154 ~ Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
May your year be Blessed beyond measure and all your needs be met!
Many Blessings to you all, today and every day!
May we all find a greater sense of contentment.

Here's your link to the first "What to do Weekends Party of 2016!"  We can't wait to see what you have been up to! I'll be back in full swing next week, so please link up all your beautiful and gifted projects and recipes!

Link up, Lovelies!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Happy New Year, Theresa! So glad you are settled for the New Year. Best wishes for 2016. Your friend, Linda

    1. Thank you, Linda! Happy New Year, dear friend! Wishing you Joy, Health and Happiness in 2016! <3


I love, love your comments and I do read every single one. They totally make my day. If you have a specific question, make sure I can answer you back by adding your email to your google/blog account! Thanks so much for the visit.