28 April 2016

What to do Weekends #171

 Welcome to  Shoestring Elegance and the What to do Weekends Party!
 I'm Theresa, here, from Shoestring Elegance, joining Linda, from Crafts a la Mode, and we are your hostesses. We could not be more excited to have you here, joining us at our "What to do Weekend Party"! We'd like to Thank you so much, to all of you, who come join us here, each week, with your wonderful Crafts, Recipes and DIY creations
~ You, truly make this Party as wonderful as it is!  If you are new to the Party, Welcome! We are so very glad you are here!  We have been pinning away, during the week, so, Please do check out the Party Board! 
***Please try and connect with us both in some way!***
You can find Linda Blogging here @ Crafts a la Mode
Facebook | Google+ | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter
You can connect with me right here Shoestring Elegance
Facebook | Google+ | Instagram | Pinterest 
Quite honestly you all deserve to be featured. But, since I can't really do that, here's just a few of my favorites this week.
Sherry from The Charm of Home had this beautiful The Splendor of Spring post, that spoke to my heart. I'm a Bible journalese and a flowers of all kinds enthusiast.....so, tailor made for me. ;)

I LOVED Tammy from One More Time's beautiful Guest Bedroom Ideas~Farmhouse Style
Sarah from Sadie Seasongoods did an awesome Anthro knock off with her DIY Anthropologie-Style Metalwork Hurricane Lamp
Sam from Raggedy Bits touched my heart with her DIY Wedding or Anniversary Gift Love is...frame and printout.
Simply Stacie shared these yummy Caramel Apple Tarts that I can't wait to try!
Sarah from The Goldlining Girls brought this awesome recipe for Tropical Bruschetta and Mango Curd to our party. Yay!!
Ashley from Spoonful of Flavor shared this yummy White Cheddar Pasta Salad! Thank you for sharing your awesome recipes. 

If you haven't had the pure pleasure of visiting Janet's Rosemary and Thyme's blog, this would be a beautiful post to visit and enjoy her Early Spring in the Garden.
And, I just had to add this adorable little Ruler Pencil Holder from Little Free Monkeys! So cute and who doesn't know a wonderful teacher they could treat with this original gift.
You can continue to make this a great party for everyone by pinning some of your favorite recipes and crafts!!  Those were my faves, this week! 
 Be sure to pop over to Linda's @ Crafts a la Mode, now, to see if you were one of Linda's Features!
If you were featured, help yourself to our Feature Button!
With that said, the party is open! Please join in and have some fun and pop around, visit, even share some "Bloggy" love with your fellow bloggers. :)
*Disclaimer: Please note, by joining What to do Weekends and providing a link to the party you are giving us permission to use our photos to promote the party on all Social Media Outlets, as well as, here on the Blog. All links and/or photos shared will be linked either directly back to the original Blog or to the Link Party.*

Link up, Lovelies...

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Have a lovely weekend Theresa! Thank you for hosting!!!

  2. Hi Theresa! Thanks to you and Linda for hosting. Have a happy Friday and a wonderful weekend!

    1. Hi Cindy! So glad you were able to join us! Happy weekend!

  3. Have a great week, Theresa! Thanks for hosting :-)

  4. Thanks so much for the party each week!

    1. Oh, Thank you, Debbie! I'm so pleased you join us!

  5. Thanks for the party! Hope you have a lovely weekend, Theresa!

  6. Thank you so very much for featuring my DIY Wedding or Anniversary Gift! What an honor to be featured along with all the other fabulous features! Thank you also for hosting another wonderful party and hope you have a lovely weekend!

    1. Sam, It was my honor! So happy you are sharing such wonderful projects with us! Happy weekend, dear lady. :)


I love, love your comments and I do read every single one. They totally make my day. If you have a specific question, make sure I can answer you back by adding your email to your google/blog account! Thanks so much for the visit.