28 October 2016

Getting Ready for November and the "Cooking With Jeffrey" GIVEAWAY!

Good Morning, Friends. November is a great month to celebrate Family. Believe it or not, we are just days away that time. I, especially, love this time I have to spend  in the kitchen and prepare my home for welcoming my family and friends, sharing good food and good fellowship. Taking time to be grateful for all the year's blessings.  I've been sharing some of the things I've been doing around my house, in preparation for this, like my making my Roasted Butternut Squash Soup, including  How to Make a Dried Hydrangea Wreath that Looks Fresh  to welcome everyone that arrives at my front door.

I can't think of a better way way to celebrate than to share this fun new giveaway with you. This is a first for me, here at Shoestring Elegance, but I'm so excited to give you the opportunity to win a beautiful Cookbook, by Ina Garten (also known as the Barefoot Contessa) , to help you celebrate and welcome your Family!
  And, let's face it, who couldn't use a little extra cash to help make your Thanksgiving home and cooking welcoming to your own family and friends.  So without further ado, I'd like to give you the opportunity enter for a chance to win Ina's new Cookbook, "Cooking for Jeffrey" and $75 to help make it special in your home!
This month's giveaway is sponsored by Katherines Corner and Katherines Corner Shop and Hosted by some of Katherine's and my sweet bloggy friends.
One winner will receive a signed copy of Ina Garten's new cookbook, " Cooking for Jeffery", provided by Katherine
AND $75 Cash or Amazon gift code provided by Katherine and some of her bloggy friends too!
(winners choice)

I hope you'll join us and take a chance at this wonderful offer!  The GIVEAWAY starts today October 28th and ends November 29th! Best of luck to you! 
To enter please log into the entry form using your email address or facebook log in
Please remember to follow your sponsors and all of the hostess so you can get all of your entries!

Good Luck In The Cooking for Jeffrey Giveaway!

Many Blessings to you all, and Thank you so much for coming and visiting with me!


  1. Thank you for your continued friendship and for being my giveaway co hostess too xo

    1. Awe, Thank you Katherine, for inviting me to join you! You are such a blessing. xo 😊

  2. one of my favorite cookbooks is the Gooseberry Patch Christmas one

  3. Thank you for the giveaway, Theresa! I'm not sure I can pick a favorite cookbook, but one I treasure is my grandmother's very old, stained, dog-eared Good Housekeeping cookbook! :)

    1. Those are the best aren't they?! Happy weekend, Joy.

  4. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Get give away, Theresa thanks.love connie

  5. Thanks for the giveaway! I think my favorite cookbook is the Betty Crocker Picture Book, a legacy from my mom...a great cook...

    1. Pam, Good luck! I love the red and whit Betty Crocker Cookbook, as well. I think it's been a first for all of my family, as we set up our homes for the first time.I'm so glad you joined us!

  6. my current favorite is Cravings by Chrissy Teigen :)

  7. Anonymous4:44 PM

    "The Little House On The Prairie" Cookbook

  8. I like the traditional "Joy of Cooking." It was my Mom's fav, and now it's mine.
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net


I love, love your comments and I do read every single one. They totally make my day. If you have a specific question, make sure I can answer you back by adding your email to your google/blog account! Thanks so much for the visit.