15 June 2017

What to do Weekends #230 ~ Happy Summer 2017!

Welcome to Shoestring Elegance and the What to do Weekends Party!
If you are new to the Party. We are so very glad you are here!  I have been pinning away, during the week, so, Please do check out the Party Board! 
Hi Friends, Happy Summer! Well, at least it will be before we meet up again next week. I hope you are having a wonderful week. Thanks for joining us tonight. Here are just a few of your awesome projects. My Features this week start with The Country Chic Cottage's Mosquito Repellent Candles are not only useful but a beautiful centerpiece! Love this idea!

Beverly @ Across the Boulevard hit everybody's favorite taste out of the park with her Snickerdoodle Cookie Bar Bites Another recipe I can't wait to try!
If you aren't already following Linda and myself,   please do so now with one of the following links!
You can find Linda Blogging here @ Crafts a la Mode
Facebook | Google+ | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter
You can connect with me right here Shoestring Elegance
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The Claire Justine blog shared her super yummy recipe for her Jerte Picota Cherry Scones
Tumbleweed Contessa shared her yummy Creamy Italian Pasta Salad! YUM!
Interior Frugalista made over this beautiful Pedestal Doily Dining Table this just turned out stunning.
A Vintage Green found and shared some beautiful ways to Repurpose her Worn Out Wood
Love, Love Love Flamingo Toes' Lavender Floral Needlepoint Sachet
 Many Blessings to you all,
If you were featured, help yourself to our Feature Button!
Be sure to pop over to Linda's @ Crafts a la Mode, now, to see if you were one of Linda's Features!
With that said, the party is open! Please join in and have some fun and pop around, visit, even share some "Bloggy" love with your fellow bloggers. :)
*Disclaimer: Please note, by joining What to do Weekends and providing a link to the party you are giving us permission to use our photos to promote the party on all Social Media Outlets, as well as, here on the Blog. All links and/or photos shared will be linked either directly back to the original Blog or to the Link Party.*

Link up, Friends! 

(Linkup closed)


  1. Thanks so much for featuring my Snickerdoodle Cookie Bar Bites, Theresa! I hope you'll love them if you try them! Thanks for the party each week. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks so much, Beverly. I'll let you know. I'm waiting for the heatwave we have here in California to pass so I can give your recipe a try. I can't wait! Happy Summer!

  2. How nice of you to feature my Creamy Pasta Salad. It really was tasty! I enjoy your party. Thanks for hosting each week.

    Wishes for tasty dishes,

    1. Thanks so much for joining us, Linda! I definitely will be trying out your yummy recipe this summer! My pleasure to Feature it! Thanks for sharing!


I love, love your comments and I do read every single one. They totally make my day. If you have a specific question, make sure I can answer you back by adding your email to your google/blog account! Thanks so much for the visit.