07 September 2017

What to do Weekends #242 ~ Happy September!!

Welcome to Shoestring Elegance and the What to do Weekends Party!
If you are new to the Party. We are so very glad you are here!  I've have been pinning away, during the week, so, Please do check out the Party Board!  
I hope you will link up and check out the Features, both here, and with Linda @ Crafts a la Mode! Thanks for sharing with us! I hope you are having a WONDERFUL (almost) WEEKEND!
Here are a few of my favorites and Features for this week!
DIY Framed Beadboard Art Beautiful Angela!
Six Watercolors for Fall  LOVE!!!

If you aren't already following Linda and myself, please do so now with one of the following links!
You can find Linda Blogging here Crafts a la Mode
Facebook | Google+ | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter
You can connect with me right here Shoestring Elegance
If you were featured, help yourself to our Feature Button!
Be sure to pop over to Linda's @ Crafts a la Mode, now, to see if you were one of Linda's Features!
With that said, the party is open! Please join in and have some fun and pop around, visit, even share some "Bloggy" love with your fellow bloggers. :)
*Disclaimer: Please note, by joining What to do Weekends and providing a link to the party you are giving us permission to use our photos to promote the party on all Social Media Outlets, as well as, here on the Blog. All links and/or photos shared will be linked either directly back to the original Blog or to the Link Party.*

Link up, Lovely Ladies! 

(Linkup closed)


  1. Thanks so much for hosting! I hope you have a good weekend!

  2. Thanks for featuring my upcycled high chair!

  3. Thank you so much for featuring my pasta bake recipe! Enjoy the rest of your week!


I love, love your comments and I do read every single one. They totally make my day. If you have a specific question, make sure I can answer you back by adding your email to your google/blog account! Thanks so much for the visit.