05 April 2018

A Little Bit of Wonderful ~ This Week's TFT

Hello and welcome, sweet friends. I'm so glad you are here. Do you know how some things just take your breath away and are all-encompassing?! I love those things and sometimes I really prefer just a little bit of wonderful. Every week you link up your incredible creations and I find more and more that there is truly something wonderful about each thing you share. So this week I'm celebrating those little bits of wonderful that caught my eye.

Like Sandra from Sweet Sensations' Wellesley Fudge Cake 
or Mary from the Boondocks Blog's How to Make Pretty Pleated Curtains with DropCloth Just LOVE these, and they are so frugal! You'd never know to look at them. Simply elegant!
Penny's Vintage Home is In Full Bloom and she shared it with us! I Love the blooms. Just heavenly.
Cecilia from My Thrift Store Addiction shared her simply adorable Springtime Kitchen Vignette. Stunning! 
Jolena from While I Linger gave us her Spring Hoop Wreath Tutorial. I love how her sweet wreath turned out, don't you?!
Many Blessings,
This is us!

Welcome to TFT aka ( also known as )The Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop Link Party!
A party for Blog Writers & Blog Readers.
Start sharing your blog links on Thursday's at 7 am (MST) continue until Saturday at midnight (MST).
Please read the rules before participating, it will be a much more satisfying party.
Thursday Favorite Thing blog link party
Please follow All of Your Hostesses
Please link to your post not your blog main page
You can link three blog posts all at once Or one on Thursday one on Friday and one on Saturday
Please leave a comment with your post number, most features are selected from the comment list.
Please go to the source of a photo to pin it so that the original blog gets credited.
By sharing your blogs and blog images with us you are agreeing that the photos are yours or that you have permission to use them and that we may use your photos to feature your post on social media, pinterest or as a feature on our blogs.
Have fun and thank you for joining in the party!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Hi Theresa, I am so glad that you liked seeing my yard in full bloom! Thank you for including it in your features this week! hugs....

    1. I loved it Penny! Thank you so much for sharing with us!

  2. Thank you for featuring my spring hoop wreath. I love all the beautiful features this week!

  3. Jolena, it was my pleasure! Love your little Spring Wreath! Thanks for sharing with us!

  4. Theresa thank you so much for the feature. I am enjoying those curtains as I type. Hope you have a great rest of the week.

  5. Thanks so much for hosting each week!!

  6. Thanks for the feature and for hosting. Have a wonderful evening!

  7. Theresa, thanks so much for the feature & for the party!

  8. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.

  9. The Bearded Hiker #23/Roast Beef Poboy - Great stuff, those Nigerian Beef Kabobs have really caught my attention! Definitely need to try that!


I love, love your comments and I do read every single one. They totally make my day. If you have a specific question, make sure I can answer you back by adding your email to your google/blog account! Thanks so much for the visit.