09 July 2020

Simply Perfect

Good morning friends! Welcome back to this week's Thursday Favorite Things party! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful inspiration and creations with us! Here are your features from last week's party! 
Debbee from Debbee's Buz Craft Vintage Teacup Garden
Barbara from Mantel and Table's Traveling Teacup was having Teatime in Texas
New to me, Irina from Homegrown Adventures Homemade Butter
Nora fromTreat & Trick's Savory Onion Corn Bread
Thank you for being here, each and every one of you. That's it for me this week! Your turn!
Please follow Katherine and all the co-hostesses blogs and social media, you will be so happy you did. Remember, they also share features every week. Please Pin and Share the TFT party with your social network and blog friends.
Do you want to celebrate and Show Off your Feature?! I completely understand! If you were featured, here's a little Feature button, feel free to grab it, and proudly display it on your blog! Seriously...I am kinda picky! So Bravo, you!


  1. Theresa,
    My Link Ups for this week are # 69, 71 and 72!!
    Thanks for hosting each week!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  2. Hope you are having a happy and healthy summer Theresa. Thanks so much the lovely compliment of featuring my vintage teacup diy projects! In this 90 degree plus heat wave, I seem to be watering twice daily to keep potted plants alive. Sharing #105, 6 and 7 this week, highlighting two different summer table settings, and virtual traveling back to our Galapagos cruise and amazing wildlife encounters.

    1. Thanks, Debbee! I'm so glad you saw your feature. It was my pleasure. So sweet of an idea. Thanks for joining us again today! Stay safe and healthy!

  3. My pleasure, Marilyn! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up today with SPARKLERS AND FIREWORKS, TWENTY QUESTIONS FOR JUNE 2020, and I invite you to my UNLIMITED MONTHLY LINK PARTY, open until July 26.

  5. Theresa - thank you so much for featuring the Traveling Teacup today! It was Candace from UnfoldingBeautiful.com who hosted this week's trip and took the pictures! She has a post about the teacup on her blog as well. We're having so much fun with this little journey - I'm so glad you like it too! ��

    I'm linked at #131, 132, & 133 today. Thanks again!

  6. Hi Theresa! I loved Barbara's tea time post as well - so charming and fun! Thanks so much for hosting TFT and gathering all these sweet bloggers. I'm sharing some home renovation projects at #157 and 158 as well as encouraging quotes to pin at 159. I hope readers find these helpful and uplifting. Hope you are holding up well and not suffering like we are with wild swings in temps and barometric pressure! Some days I just want to stay in bed and ignore it all! But moving through problems and allowing reality to be reality is what I feel led to do as I grow. Have a wonderful weekend, friend.

  7. Thank you for hosting the party. Our links this week are: #187, #188, & #189. Have a great week.


I love, love your comments and I do read every single one. They totally make my day. If you have a specific question, make sure I can answer you back by adding your email to your google/blog account! Thanks so much for the visit.