16 July 2020

Summer Yummies, DIYs and Beautiful Inspiration

Good morning, sweet friends! Bam just like that we're already in the middle of July. For those of you who know me well, this makes me super excited because we are just that much closer to Autumn/Fall! Yippee! For my sun-worshipping friends, enjoy! I'm counting the days!
Despite the SIP and the rollback of opening, with the COVID numbers rapidly rising, I have been, surprisingly busy in my home and my Mum's.

CoCo from The Crowned Goat's Quick & Easy Summer Lavender Basket is simply stunning. And, I have a lavender bush and many baskets!! Thanks for the inspiration CoCo!

Not such a terrible thing, although I believe face masks are going to be in our future for quite a long time. Still...definitely, better safe than sick! Praying for all those afflicted and especially their families, who can't be by their side in this different norm.
Well, that's enough of that! Let's look at ALL your beautiful offerings from last week's party! If you missed it, make sure to check it out Here. If you are new to the Thursday Favorite Things party, welcome!! 

Pam At A New Lens writes beautifully and shares such gorgeous heartfelt prayers and messages in her piece More Than Once Upon A Time, definitely worth your time. Thank you for the Blessing, Pam.
Marie from Interior Frugalista nailed my favorite look with her How To Install Board And Batten Wainscotting Doesn't it look fantastic?!
Janine from This Mom's Confessions' Disney Cinderella Cupcakes Recipe Tutorial turned out so beautiful. What girl wouldn't be thrilled with this beautiful cupcake and decorations! 
Jenna from the Painted Apron's Sunshine Pineapple Bacon Dip is seriously making me drool. Probably going to have to make it this weekend, now. Thanks, Jenna.
Simply Beautiful by Angela's Thrifted Chairs Makeover are beautiful! Love the Black!
Irene from My Slice of Mexico's Mantecadas the Mexican Muffins sound simple and yummy. I LOVE Vanilla!! And I have some really good vAnilla from my last trip to Mexico, I'm really anxious to try these too! I think I'll stick to the baking powder on this one. thanks for sharing the difference. 
Thank you for being here, each and every one of you. Please stay safe and Healthy!!
Please follow all the co-hostesses blogs and social media, you will be so happy you did. Remember, each hostess shares different features every week.
Do you want to celebrate and Show Off your Feature?! If you were featured, here's a little Feature button, feel free to grab it, and proudly display it on your blog!
Bravo, you!


  1. Thrilled to see my dining room wainscotting among your features this week, thank you so much, Theresa! Wishing you a lovely day and a great weekend. 🤗

    1. Oh Marie, It is so beautiful. How could I not feature it? I bet you are really enjoying it! Happy Weekend!

  2. Theresa,
    Thanks so much for hosting !! My Link Ups for this week are # 29,30 and 31!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  3. Thank you so much for hosting the party. Have a great weekend.
    Kippi #51, #54, #55

    1. Thank you, Kippi, you as well! Off to check out your links!

  4. Thank you for hosting, Theresa... I'm retreating in the Seattle area for Haven, but had time to link-up 122-124 today!

    1. Oh Julie, enjoy your safe haven. Stay safe and healthy, please! Thanks for taking time to link up!

  5. Our party is awesome!! wonderful features. Yes wear a mask, protect your loved ones, others and yourself too( we touch our face a lot don't we) xo

    1. Yes, it is! Than you, Katherine. Wearing my mask ans staying safe. Unfortunately, everyone does touch their faces too often, grateful for my nursing training this time around. :) xoxo

  6. It really is hard to believe that it is the middle of July already. Your beloved Autumn will be here soon. Thank you for hosting the party. Our links this week are: #188, #189, & #190. Have a great week.

    1. Amy, I CAN"T WAIT... Thanks for joining us!Off to check out your links!


I love, love your comments and I do read every single one. They totally make my day. If you have a specific question, make sure I can answer you back by adding your email to your google/blog account! Thanks so much for the visit.