31 December 2020

Happy New Year from Me and the TFT!

 Happy New Year dear friends! I do pray you all enjoyed a beautiful, safe Christmas and were able to find Joy in the Reason for the Season.  I had a wonderful, albeit very quiet, Christmas and it was just what the doctor ordered for me. Baking is done. Gifts dropped off. Well wishes all around, and now to celebrate the coming of 2021!  Geez, I am old enough to tell you that this year still looks futuristic to me. Every.Single.Time.I.See.IT! 

 One of my favorite songs, way back when, if you can believe it, was "Tonight We're Gonna Party Like it's 1999!" As if we'd ever make it to 1999! LOL Ahh, the blissful ignorance of youth.

Out with the old and in with the new! I'm looking forward to this New Year in hopes we will return, at some point, to some sort of normalcy. Whatever that is! We will rise out of this year stronger for having gone through it and, hopefully,  a little wiser. However,  for me, it is also an important time for reflection and prayers for all the lives lost, their loved ones, and those still suffering. I do not say that lightly, as I, too, lost a loved one this year, so I know the loss.  I, do, pray for your safety.  
A New Year and a New TFT Party! Please link up and join the fun! 
God Bless you all with health and happiness in 2021. Thank you all so much for joining us, here, each week of the past year.  Looking forward to seeing what you will be bringing to the party next year, LOL, tomorrow!


  1. Wonderful TFT post and I'm right there with you my friend, Happy New Year! xo

  2. Theresa,
    Happy New Year!!
    My Link Ups for this week are # 37, 38 and 42!!
    Thanks so much for hosting each week! I know how much time it takes so it is greatly appreciated!!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  3. Thank you Theresa for hosting TFT and your other parties every week! I love find new inspiration and see what everyone is up to. I hope your new year is wonderful! Take care and see you in 2021!

    PS - I'm at 60, 63, & 64 this week!

  4. Thanks for hosting and I am at 145 and 146. Happy New Year to you and your family.


I love, love your comments and I do read every single one. They totally make my day. If you have a specific question, make sure I can answer you back by adding your email to your google/blog account! Thanks so much for the visit.