03 June 2021

Happy June!

Happy Thursday and Happy June, my friends! a brand new month in front of us, I hope you all are well and enjoying the "unofficial" start to Summer. I'm dreading the heat but excited for all else the Summer has to offer. It appears you are all preparing your home and your kitchens, too. Thank you all for joining us here.  Let's see some of the highlights from last week! 

Claire Justine's Lemon Elderflower Cheesecake looked absolutely heavenly. 

How fun is Comfort Spring's Honeycomb Bee Gnome Printables

My Wee Abode's  Square Tray Upcycle turned out just beautiful. 

Scratch Made Food's Whole Wheat Ricotta Gnocchi yum! 
Making a Simple Rag Bow by Makeable Crafts is really sweet. 
That's it for me this week. Thank you for being here with me. Stay happy and healthy!
God Bless,
Here are Your Hostesses
If you were featured, here's a little Featured button, feel free to grab and display it to celebrate your achievements!


  1. Thanks so much Theresa! My links are #23, 24, 25. Happy Summer!

    1. My pleasure, Jenna! I'm so glad you're joining us!

  2. Theresa,
    My Link Ups are # 28, 29 and 30!!
    Thanks for hosting each week!! I appreciate the work that it takes to host this wonderful party!!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  3. Thanks for hosting, Theresa. And thanks so much for featuring my tray!! I always such a blessing to be featured here at TFT! I'm at 49 & 50 this week! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Thanks for hosting! I'm sharing links #26 and #27.

  5. Dearest Theresa,
    I heartily thank you for hosting!
    Today I'm link 71 and 72.
    Xx Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

    P.S.:Your cheescake is absolutely gorgeous!

    1. Thank you so much, Daniela! I'm SO grateful you are here. ❤️

  6. Wow - fabulous features today Theresa! I can't wait to see what's all going on! I'm linked at #90 this time. Thanks so much for hosting, and I hope you stay cooler for a little while more! :) Happy Thursday!

    1. Yes, Barbara, me, too!! Thank you for being here, dear lady, of to check out your link up!

  7. Beautiful features, Theresa! Thanks so much for hosting today. I'm sharing my love for gravel at #125. Wait. What? Yep. Have a wonderful weekend - gonna be a hot one for moi! xox

    1. Awe, Michele, I always smile when I see your comments! Thank you so much. Wonderful weekend wishes to you, as well! Blessings.

  8. Happy TFT day my friend. It was 99 today and will be 100 tomorrow.UGH... Wonderful features as always, the lemon cheesecake almost looks to good to eat ( LOL) xo

  9. Here in the East Bay, it still is cool. I am at #172 and #173. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.


I love, love your comments and I do read every single one. They totally make my day. If you have a specific question, make sure I can answer you back by adding your email to your google/blog account! Thanks so much for the visit.