16 September 2021

Pretty In White

Happy Thursday and happy weekend, welcome back to this week’s TFT party! 
Let’s get right to it. 
Here are a few of my favorites from last week’s party. 

Kippi at Home shared her adorable Sweater Pumpkin DIY and I just love them! Don’t you?! 
Simply Beautiful by Angela shared her beautiful DIY End of the Bed Bench and she did a great job at showing us how to, too! 

Janet from A Life of Balance shared her Chunky Yarn Pumpkins from Dollar Tree Pumpkins that are that perfect addition. Okay, not white, but very beautiful just the same. 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! 

That's it for me this week! Thank you all for sharing with us each week. I pray you are all well, safe and healthy. 
 Many blessings to you all.  
This is us! 

Here are Your Hostesses
If you were featured, here's a little Featured button, feel free to grab and display it to celebrate your achievements.


  1. Thanks so much Theresa! I am loving all the homemade pumpkins, I shared some too this week. Everyone is so happy it's almost Fall, I am having so much fun reading all the Fall posts!

  2. Thank you so much for hosting the party. I love the features😊
    Happy Fall,

  3. Hi there, beautiful! I'm back sharing at #63 today and can't wait to see what everyone's been up to. Thanks for hosting TFT, and I pray you are staying healthy and hopeful this lovely September morn. xox

  4. Thanks so much for hosting Theresa! I've linked up today with #67. Thanks again and have a great weekend!

  5. Theresa, thanks for bringing all the fall inspiration! I've linked #75 and 77 today.

  6. Loving all the fall inspiration here. Thanks for hosting Theresa! Linking up this week at 85 & 86.

  7. Thanks for hosting, Theresa! I'm linked at 132 & 133 this week. Have a good weekend!

  8. Theresa,
    My Link Ups are # 155 and 156!!
    Thanks again for hosting this lovely party every week! I know how much time and effort goes into doing so and I want you to know that it is greatly appreciated!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  9. I am at #206 and #207. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  10. Thank you for hosting, Theresa!
    Today I'm sharing link 92-93-97.
    Enjoy the remainder of your week
    Xx Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)


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