07 October 2021

October Celebrated! (TFT Party)

 Good morning, friends, and welcome back! I can happily say that today was our first, here in Northern California, real Fall-feeling day! Thank God! It was actually chilly this morning! Yay! And, although there's only a slight chance, there's a chance just the same, for some potential light showers one morning in the forecast. Squealing with excitement. It's not just that I love the rain, (even though I really do!) but the drought conditions and fires here have been so bad that were on rationing again...which I don't mind, but what a glorious relief it could be for our poor, overworked firefighters, not to mention our farmers, many who have had to sell off livestock and change their entire lives. So, without going too much further into that, rain in the forecast! Double Yay! 

Welcome back to the Thursdays Favorite Things Party! Friends, if you haven't had a chance to pop over and visit our wonderful leader, Katherine, please take a moment to do so and give her a great big jolly "Thank YOU!" Read her heartfelt post Heart on My Sleeve and maybe leave her a kind comment like I know you can.

Now, let's see what you all have been up to!! 

Simply Beautiful by Angela did a gorgeous Staircase Banister Makeover! You won’t believe the “before”! 

Love, love, love the way Pam is Celebrating October In The Sunshine Cottage! So fun!
I just love how Barbara from Mantel and Table finds beauty, and shares it, in absolutely everything! Look at her gorgeous Perfect Wheatfield Tablescape just stunning. 
What more needs to be said about Carol from Comfort Spring’s Autumn, The Year’s Last Loveliest Smile Printable
It says it all and so beautifully. 
Another favorite for me last week was Debra from Common Ground’s beautiful Fall Centerpiece Basket with Pumpkin.  I would have never thought of this for a centerpiece, but doesn’t it look beautiful?! 
Penny from Penny’s Vintage Home shared her beautiful Fall Tablescape 2 Ways So inspiring! 
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!  That's it for me this week! Thank you all for sharing with us each week. I pray you are all well, safe and healthy.  Many blessings to you all and a great many thanks, Theresa. :) 

This is us! 

Here are Your Hostesses
If you were featured, here's a little Featured button, feel free to grab and display it to celebrate your achievements.


  1. I so hope you get some rain. Thank you for hosting and featuring my Sunshine Cottage. I am links 27, 28, and 29. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you, Pam, me, too! So glad you’re here! I loved your Cottage, so my pleasure! Happy weekend!

  2. Theresa,
    I hope you get some rain..we have had too much rain...we are 9 inches over our normal for the year already! wish I could send you some!!
    My Link Ups today are # 43 and 45!
    Thanks so much for hosting this charming party each and every week!! I so appreciate all the time and effort that does into it along with visiting all the links and choosing Features!!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. Thank you, Debbie I wish I could take your rain too. Lol. Thank you for sharing each week with us!

  3. Happy October Theresa! I'm so glad your weather is finally cooling and you're getting some rain, your fires have been devastating...Thanks for the party, my links are #41, 42, 44

    1. Thank you, Jenna. Yes, terribly. Thanks for being here. Happy almost weekend! xo

  4. Thank you for hosting and a special thanks for including my fall tablescape in this weeks features....hugs...

    1. Awe, Penny, absolutely my pleasure! So happy to see your link ups each week. Happy Autumn. ❤️🍂

  5. Enjoy those cooler temperatures, Theresa. We woke up twice this week to frost so it's sweater weather over here now. Sharing this week in links 93 & 95. Have a great weekend! xo

    1. Oh, Marie, music to my ears! I love frost and sweater weather! Have a wonderful weekend! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Theresa you are the sweetest! Thank you so much for featuring my wheat field tablescape - I'm so glad you liked it! I'm also so glad you're finally getting your fall and rain too!! I'm linked at #100 today and excited to read everyone's posts. Thanks as always for hosting, and for giving a shout out to Katherine - I'll hop over there next! Take care till next time!

    1. Awe, thank you so much, Barbara! Love your sweet comments. Can't wait to see what you linked up this week! Thank you for acknowledging Katherine, too! She so richly deserves it. ❤️

  7. I am so happy for fall too, Theresa!! It's cooler in this next of the woods too...although still strangely humid! Thanks for hosting! I'm at 107/108 this week! Have a lovely day enjoying the fall-ness!!

    1. Yay, Julie! I am enjoying another Fall day and loving every minute!

  8. Hi Theresa,
    thanks most sincerely for hosting each Thursday such a lovely party and for sharing always inspiring features!
    Enjoy the remainder of your week
    Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

  9. I forgot to write that my links are 48-51-53-54.

    1. Thank you so much, Daniela! It is, honestly, my pleasure. Can't wait to see your link ups this week. Happy almost weekend. Hugs back! ☺️

  10. Thanks so much for hosting Theresa! I'm happy you'll be getting some rain and I know it's headed here this weekend as well. I love a good storm! I'm linked up this week with #188 and 189. Thanks again and have a great weekend!

  11. I just moved from Seattle area ..land of eternal rain to here in the desert_ Las Vegas and no rain to speak of ha ha. I hope you get some too! We need it bad here..I miss the PNW...thought I would like it here but its waaay too hot in summer and LOTS of crime! Love the sun, eats, shopping and pools.

    Love all this fall decor, thx for sharing!

  12. We do need some rain big time. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week. I am at #220 and #221.


I love, love your comments and I do read every single one. They totally make my day. If you have a specific question, make sure I can answer you back by adding your email to your google/blog account! Thanks so much for the visit.