21 October 2021

Rain, Pumpkins and a Whole Lot of Beauty! (TFT Link Party)

October 21st already, friends, and we HAVE RAIN in Northern California!!  Soon all of California with the systems through this weekend! They are saying that these are, OFFICIALLY, ending our very long, large, devastating, and costly fire Season.  All I can say and do is Praise the Lord! Thank you to all of you who have prayed along with me for those tragic fires to end. Though this won't take us out of the drought, it's a darn good start in the right direction!

Can you see me? I LOVE to dance in the rain! 

Alright with that piece of good news conveyed, I can move on to welcoming you to this week's Thursday Favorite Things Party! And, I do welcome you and thank you for joining me each week.
How about your Features from last week's party?! Here are just a few that I enjoyed.
Did you see Barbara from Mantel and Table's Gorgeous PINK FLOWERS & WHITE PUMPKINS! A FRESH FALL TABLESCAPE?? My goodness, I want to be sitting at this table! 

Curly Crafty Mom's Fall Kitchen Reveal is really beautiful. She has s much more to see, you really should pop over.

My Recipe Treasures' Fall Garden Pumpkin Cake is just too perfect for words I am in awe...

Michele from Hello Lovely creates such a welcoming getaway with her beautiful and 5 Laid-Back Luxe Lived-in Layers for Fall

I'm really enjoying the look of all the different textiles and the colors that they bring this year, like Jennifer from the Everday Farmhouse's  DIY Simple Natural Foraged Fall Wreaths

Then again, there's also something very fun and familiar about the more traditional decor, like Paula from Sweet Pea's How to DIY A Wood Box Centerpiece

That's it for me this week. Enjoy! 

Many blessings for a wonderful and safe week, friends. Thank you so much for joining me. 

Theresa. :) 

This is us! 

If you were highlighted today, please feel free to grab my New Fall feature button and proudly display it as you like. 


  1. Theresa,
    My link Ups are # 29 and 32 for today's party!
    Thanks again for hosting this lovely party every week! I know how much time and effort goes into doing so and I want you to know that it is greatly appreciated!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  2. Thank goodness California is getting rain! My links are #22, 26, 28 this week, thanks so much Theresa!

  3. Happy for the rain!
    You have wonderful features this week.

  4. Dear Theresa,
    thanks most sincerely for hosting each Thursday such a lovely party and for sharing always inspiring features!
    Today I'm sharing the following links:76-77-78
    Enjoy the remainder of your week
    XO Daniela at ~ My little old world ~

  5. Thanks for hosting this week. Hope you're enjoying a rain-filled fall day! I've linked at #81.

  6. Thanks for hosting the party, Theresa! I am so thankful for the rain too!! I'm linked up at 83/84 this week. Have a lovely autumn day!

  7. Theresa I'm SO happy you have rain!! We do too, and I'll stomp in some puddles in your honor up here! ;) Thank you so much for featuring my white pumpkin tablescape - you're so sweet, and I truly appreciate it! I'm linked at 98 & 105 today.
    Hope you have a lovely day, and thanks again!

  8. Oh my goodness, the pumpkin cake you featured is amazing! I hope your Thursday has been a good one so far, Theresa. Linking up this week at links 110 and 111.

  9. Really, really relieved to hear about your rain Theresa! We were in CA for 2 weeks in Sept visiting Big Sur, Paso, and three national parks. As we entered Sequoia one morning, lightening strikes the night before had started a then small, 4 acre fire. By the next morning, it had grown to 75 acres and then 750 acres, with the park was closing behind us as we checked out of the lodge there! Sharing 125-127 today, including a tribute to my father-in-law who was a WWII vet and German POW.

  10. Oh what a relief that the rain arrived! So happy for CA! Thanks so much for the feature, Theresa. I am so humbled to be among the inspiration above from such talented bloggers. I'm sharing my firepit and alternative s'mores at #171 today and appreciate you hosting TFT. May blessing rain down this week on you and yours. xox

  11. Thank you so much for featuring our Fall Garden Pumpkin Cake. We appreciate that. Thank you too for hosting the party. Our links this week are: #175, #176, & #177. Have a great week!

  12. all of your features are fantastic! Especially the pumpkin cake I featured that one too. xo


I love, love your comments and I do read every single one. They totally make my day. If you have a specific question, make sure I can answer you back by adding your email to your google/blog account! Thanks so much for the visit.