18 August 2022

Late Summer Or Early Fall…

 I guess it all depends on your perspective, right? Usually, I would be counting the days until Fall arrived, but, this year, because of my garden and veggies growing, I’m grateful for the hot days as they seem to double in size and ripeness overnight! Most of you know I’m a baker. Honestly, that’s exactly why I started gardening! I knew what I wanted and, either couldn’t find it, or couldn’t afford it. Hence, the search began, in the beginning, just for a really good roasting tomato for my focaccia and soups and sauces. Well, it’s kind of snowballed from there! Hah! 

Welcome back to the Thursday Favorite Things party! Thank you for joining us on our quests of improvements and inspirations! You all do quite well at both. Let’s take a look at a few from last week’s party! 

Orange Glazed Almond Bundt Cake from Rachelle @ My Hubbard Home

Thanks all! Have a wonderful weekend. 
Many Blessings, 
This is us! 

If you were highlighted today, please feel free to grab my new feature button and proudly display it as you like. 



  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    My link ups this week are numbers 38 and 39!
    Thanks again for hosting this charming party every week! I know how much time goes into doing so and I want you to know that it I truly appreciate it!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  2. Thank you so much for including my step stools in this weeks features!

  3. Thank you for hosting! I'm sharing #53.

  4. Thanks for hosting and sharing, Theresa! Love that little ladder! I'm linked up at 66/67 this week. Have a great day!

  5. Theresa! Thank you so much for featuring my copper tablescape - you are so kind! I'm glad your garden is doing well. We didn't get anything planted this year and I have tomato envy! :) Thanks as always for hosting - I'm linked at #77 this time. Have a great week down there!

  6. Happy TFT Day! How wonderful, our garden is hopping right now too! So I'll keep summer even with the ridiculous record breaking heat, to enjoy more fresh veg. xo

  7. Thanks so much Theresa! I'm glad you are enjoying your garden bounty! Homemade focaccia bread sounds wonderful...my links this week are #24, 25, 28

  8. Thanks for hosting, Theresa! I shared #164 and 165 this week!

  9. Thanks for hosting and I am at #222 and #223. Have a wonderful week.


I love, love your comments and I do read every single one. They totally make my day. If you have a specific question, make sure I can answer you back by adding your email to your google/blog account! Thanks so much for the visit.