10 November 2022

Christmas on My Mind

Welcome, are you catching the Holiday bug yet?? I couldn't be more thrilled. I just love this month and it, sadly, always seems to go by too quickly. After all, it is the beginning of the ‘Most Wonderful Time of the Year’!  I am also in love how almost everyone remembers how much we have to be grateful for. How I wish the feeling lasted longer.  I’m grateful for you, today. Thank you all SO MUCH for your beautiful comments! I may not always get to respond to all of them, but I AM ALWAYS blessed by reading each and every one of them.  Let’s party! 

Marie @ Interior Frugalista’s How To Make A Simple Cranberry Garland

From Saved from Salvage  DIY Hygge Christmas Wreath

Cranberry Lemon Muffins from Cook Clean, then Repeat 

Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes from the Cincy Shopper 

Blessings always, Theresa.
This is us!

If you were highlighted today, please feel free to grab my new feature button and proudly display it as you like. 



  1. Thanks so much for hosting Theresa! Yes, I'm getting the holiday vibe too, I love to decorate seasonally, never too early to start! My links this week are #18, 19, 20. Fa la la and deck the halls!

    1. Yay, Jenna! I’m glad I’m not alone. Thanks for being here and sharing!

  2. Lots of Thanksgiving goodies! Thanks for hosting! I've joined the party at #21.

    1. All kinds of goodies, Sandra! Thanks for joining us!

  3. Theresa, thanks so much for hosting. I linked up with #10 Color Me Blessed – Count Your Blessings.

  4. Thanks for hosting the party, Theresa! I'm TOTALLY ready for the most wonderful time of the year too! I'm linked up at 49/50 this week. Hope your week is full of joy!

  5. Yaay I love the holidays too! Great features and thanks as always for hosting, my friend! I love this party! :) Linked at 51 & 52 this week.

  6. Thank you very much, Theresa, for featuring my faux-sugared cranberry garland! It is a winter wonderland over here and very cold but it sure helps ring in the holiday spirit. Sharing at links 65 & 66.

  7. Anonymous10:30 AM

    My Link Ups for this week are Numbers 67. 68 and 69!!
    Thanks again for hosting this charming party every week! I know how much time goes into doing so and I want you to know that it I truly appreciate it!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  8. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.


I love, love your comments and I do read every single one. They totally make my day. If you have a specific question, make sure I can answer you back by adding your email to your google/blog account! Thanks so much for the visit.