Hey friends, I know it has been awhile, life has been very different from what I’ve known, but I didn’t want this wonderful time of year to pass without wishing you a very Happy New Year.
I’ve pulled together a few images that I enjoy and that I’m working on embracing in the coming days, months, and I’m this New Year.
I know some people choose a word or a phrase for their new year, or even make New Year’s resolutions. This year
these images and words are my wish for you and what I’m focusing my intention to achieve, or at least work towards.
Failure isn’t possible, as long as we keep going on in forward motion with intention. Whether that’s in your personal, professional or faith walk doesn’t really matter.
We all know this to be true. We, myself included, just need to try harder.
I pray you have enjoyed a wonderful Christmas Season and I hope you are going into this New Year with intention and a desire to keep moving towards your goals and dreams, however minor or major they may be.
Many Blessings to you and yours.
So glad to hear you are doing okay. Much happiness and good health in the new year. Love you lots, Linda